Community Issues Helpful Links

This page “Community Issues Solution Resources” is our effort to provide single-source links to websites containing information we believe will be of value to our visitors.  Community Issues Solution Resources compilation and maintenance is a task that can require significant amounts of time since links often are broken due to various issues.  The link issues may be due to discontinued websites, moved websites, changed links, etc.  We will attempt to maintain current, working, links.  Community Issues Solution Resources compilation can include your favorite links also if you provide them to us.  We obtain no financial benefit from providing the links.  If any entity that we link to objects to the link, the link will immediately be removed upon notification to us.  Community Issues Solution Resources page is a hoped-for resource for the benefit for many.  Many of the links have been added after a request by other website administrators/owners.



[AllData Automotive-Service Site]  [Auto Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs)]  [Center for Auto Safety]  [Highway and Auto Safety]  [Kelley Blue Book]  [Student Guide to Car Insurance]  [Cheap Car Insurance]  [Best Car Insurance Companies]

Children’s Links

[A Parent’s Plea]  [Home School Train Up a Child]  [Robert Munsch]  [Teach Them to Teach Themselves]  [Child Welfare League of America]  [Child]  [Parents]  [Christian Images/Clips]  [Common Core Lesson Plans]

Consumer Services

[All Area Codes]   [ Zip Codes ]  [Family Emergency & Unexpected Bills Resources]


[Hell]  [Accountability & Responsibility for Actions]   [Seventh-day Adventists Beliefs]  [Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention]  [common Core Lesson Plans]  [10 Little-Known Black History Facts]  [A History of American Indian Education]  [The Modern Cost of Iconic Landmarks]  [The Evolution of the American Family]

Financial Services

[Financial Services from CleverDude]


[Pearl Harbor]  [Veterans Day]  [Oath of Office House of Representatives]  [Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention]

Hate Crimes

[Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry]  [Regulation of Fighting Words and Hate Speech]

Medical and Mental Health

[Substance Abuse and Mental Health]  [Binge Eating Disorders]  [Cerebral Palsy Group][Cerebral Palsy Guidance] [Rehab 4 Alcoholism]  [Why The Disabled Are At A Higher Risk For Substance Abuse And How To Help In Recovery]  [Birth Injuries Center]

Refugee Resettlement Dangers

[Refugee Resettlement Racket invades Idaho]  [Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement]


[Drowsy Driving]

Services for the Disabled

[Routines and Children with Disabilities]  [Beneficial Activities for Kids with Special Needs]  [The Ultimate Guide to Flying with Autistic Children]  [Teaching Students with Special Needs]  [A Safety Guide for Disabled Pedestrians]  [A New Savings Plan for the Disabled]  [Home Accessibility Costs]  [Lifts and Other Home Adjustments for the Disabled]  [The Guide to Securing Lifelong Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs]  [Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs]  [For the Legal Representation You Need and Your Child Deserves]  [100+ Great Jobs for People with Disabilities to Get You Out and Earning]  [Fitness Programs for Persons with Disabilities]  [Who Me? Self-Esteem for People with Disabilities]  [How to Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities]  [Travel Tips for the Elderly and Disabled]  [21 Tips for Promoting Independence in Adults with a Disability]  [In-Patient Rehab Centers]  [How to Afford a Service Dog]  [The Cerebral Palsy Toolkit]




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